Almost four months after our return we realized we still had not had developed the film of the underwater camera we had in Bora Bora. So here we go! Nothing better to help deal with the rainy and cold weather we have had here for days than to contemplate (and remember) these shades of blue and turquoise from our “summer in winter” time! At least we had our summer only in February, so that’s less long ago than if it had been August ;-)
We took some pictures during our excursion with Damien around the island, when we fed all these yellow/black/white fish and the ones that look like they’re in jail cause of the black and white stripes. They were so many! If you come to Aarhus, we can actually take you to see some here: there are specimen among the tropical fish in the large fish tank at the mall near the university... We also took pictures of some cool corals: see the one shaped as an arch, and some deep blue/purple ones.
We also had the camera with us when we went on our little picnic adventure on this far away motu (look at peaceful C next to our poorly balanced boat...). Unfortunately all our shots aimed at capturing sharks ended up simply looking like some turquoise void (which maybe also explains why Q hadn’t been so much in hurry to have these shots developed). So sorry guys! and we apologize for not being able to display some sharp white teeth here... Oh well, they are alive in our memories, and this is what is most important! Next time maybe C should take the pictures while Q stays in the boat, pictures might turn out better...
Incidentally, along with all the stuff that we rediscovered while unpacking our boxes here in our new place, we came across an even more ancient souvenir, a picture from times long before we would have blogs, underwater cameras, digital photos, etc... Ah damn, we were so young back then! Feels just like yesterday... but we thought it'd still fit with our collection here, so we hope you'll enjoy!